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4 products

  • Herringbone Palors

    Herringbone Palors

    Herringbone parlors are for many dairy farmers the only “real” way to milk cows. Both Strangko and BouMatic have several variants of this type of stall. The parlor can be equipped with feed on every place, rotor exit, handy comfort arm and loads of other equipment. For that purpose, we offer a big and varying package with different automation levels. In equality with all of our other products, we only sell constructions that have been thoroughly tested and which can be handled firmly for many years of use.
  • Pipe Milking

    Pipe Milking

    Can be customized to all new and well-established parlors With stocks, to which you'd like the milking-process to be done directly in the binding parlor, the Strangko pipe-system will be the ideel solution. The system consists of a pipe-system with the unique handy-grip solution. Individual milking The stock can be milked in a pace suitable for both cows and milker. This secures a calm work-routine for both the cows and milker. Optimal capacity Well-dimensioned pipes for both milk and vacuum device secures an optimal capacity on the device. Handy track-system The pipe-system can be equipped with the handy track-system, which will transport the milking equipment round the parlor. This will secure a better working environment and it will save time. Robust execution The galvanized execution secures minimal costs for maintenance.
  • Rotaries


    When dealing with a very large production capacity, the rotary is the perfect choice. Both Strangko and BouMatic have long traditions for carrying this particular type of parlor. As with everything else build at BouMatic, we have taken our starting point by constructing a full blood milking machine that is both genuine and robust – and furthermore has minimal costs for every-day maintenance. Strangko is the best choice for an effective production device for medium-sized herds. All Strangko rotaries are engineered with the needs, of most European and Scandinavian dairyfarmes in mind; milking of many cows in a short amount of time, and at a fair price.
    No further introduction is needed for describing our exterior rotary, the BouMaticXcalibur360EXTM. The Xcalibur360EXTM is down to the core an exceptionally robust build machine. It is engineered to deliver unsurpassed capacity and maximal efficiency for your milk production! Everything is carefully aligned and solidly build. Furthermore we have encountered both clever and applicable details as a fine finish. If you don’t want to compromise on anything, BouMatic rotaries are the right choice for you!
  • Side-by-side Parlors

    Side-by-side Parlors


    The side-by-side parlor is the most used construction and there are many reasons for this. In comparison to the herringbone parlor, as well as the rotaries, the side-by-side parlor is a compact production unit where the milking process is done from behind the cow. Milking from behind ensures a great working position, plus it creates a good view. Furthermore, milking between the hind legs means fewer kicks of the milking device.  


    Strangko, as well as BouMatic, offers practical and thoroughly prepared solutions which, based on our philosophy "gently, quickly and completely", ensures that you get as much of the available milk in the cooler as possible.