Handy Cart
Mobile milking-system
Are you tired of spending so much time on separate milking in the parlor? Take the milking-system to the cows that aren’t going to the parlor!
A mobile milking-system will make it easier for you to milk the cows in the sick- or separation section. The handy cart is constructed from the principle, that milking equipment should be simple, robust and reliable in service.
When the separation milking is done by separate systems, it is less likely that the milk is mixed.This means that you can save a lot of money and annoyance.
With a handy cart, the milking system will always be right there when you need it. The handy cart is a complete milking-system with cart, vacuum pump, vacuum meter,electric motor, 25 liter complete bucket-machine, vacuum pulsation and Soffi milking set.
The handy cart is built on a light steel frame and installed with big rubber-wheels to ensure a simple and easy transport between the stalls.
The handy cart is simply connected to 220 volts and then it’s ready for use.
If you already own a Strangko bucket-machine, the solution will be to order a Handy cart without a bucket-machine.
Ask your Strangko dealer for further details about the product.